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Brian Hetherington

Storyteller and Writer

For thirty years, I have been telling my own original historical fiction, LBGTQ, fantasy stories and traditional folktales, particularly from Iceland, Canada, and the Celtic lands. I was the Artistic Director, Storytelling Festival of Toronto and Editor Appleseed Quarterly, the Canadian Journal of Storytelling. Twelve years ago, I travelled to Iceland and fell in love and since then, I have returned to the country often. I led two tours of the country, learned Icelandic and now can cook my favourite foods from a cookbook in Icelandic. I hold a BA Honours (Latin, Queen’s University), a diploma (Adult Education U BC) and a Master’s in Theological Studies (Religious Education and History, Trinity College, Toronto).

These are some of the workshops that I offer, but I try to adapt my workshops to the audience. All these workshops come with handouts for use in the classroom. I’ve been a teaching for a long time and try to make all my activities very teacher friendly.

Brian Hetherington
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Faculty of Education

Duncan McArthur Hall

511 Union Street West

Kingston, ON, K7M 5R7


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